Dave, You didn't show the inside of the call... how do you attach the sound board inside the call, do you use glass? I haven't made a turkey call in several years, but I did make quite a few early on after we moved to TN... I used glass for the sound board and then slate over that. I've sold all but one and it has a problem I haven't figured out how to fix yet... the glass has come loose from the raised pedestal in the bottom of the call, but the slate is still firmly glued in and I really don't want to break the slate.... the body is turned from Lignum Vitae. Not sure now if I used epoxy or CA to attach the slate.... if I used CA I suppose i could use a debonder, but not sure how to release the epoxy.
At any rate I really like the one you show in the video...very pretty. Not a turkey hunter myself, but with a call like that might have to take it up.