Looking for Vacuum Bag System Advice

Bill Satko

Methow Valley
I have some future projects where I am looking to veneer some fairly large panels. We have a built-in bookcase/storage area which is made from very high quality ply which I would like to veneer with something like walnut or such. The largest panel would be 22" x 7'. The same goes in our kitchen. Everything is made from extremely high quality ply with many ply layers. Doors and door fronts could be a possibility there.

I have seen video's where furniture has been made where the veneering was done without a vacuum bag system, but will a bag system make it a lot easier with a higher chance of success?

I am also looking for suggestion on possible vendors and considering the size of the project, the suggested size of vacuum pump I should be looking for.
Thanks Robert. It seems this is the go to place for vacuum systems according to the google searches I have done. Since I will doing this inside our house due to the lack of a real workshop, I am leaning toward a electric auto-cycling vs a continuous run. I am pretty sure my wife would not appreciate listening to the pump always running. Even I would not.