Low Profile Dog

glenn bradley

I'm a hybrid guy so I am just tossing this out there. A dog with a flat head bolt threaded into it as a low profile dog / stop comes in handy.
Low Profile Dog (1).jpg
Great for planing or sanding thin stock.
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I just used it to sneak up on a tight fit for some miter keys.
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You never know when some random post like this will help someone.

I think you might have mentioned it at some point in the past.. But that's just a bullet catch in the side of your dog as well correct?

I think that's easier to do that the spring sides I've been making out of insulation hangers by a bit...

Also side thought.. if you used a brass machine screw it wouldn't ding your blade....
Correct on the bullet catch. Lee Valley had bags of 100 on clearance years ago and I still haven't run out. Good call on the brass screw/bolt. I tense up when things get close and that would help ease my mind.
I wish I had thought of making a dog like this. I used a dedicated section of my fixed bench which is attached to the wall into which I drilled pilot holes for screws. These screws served the same purpose as the one mounted in your low profile dog. I still use those screws when I am planing scales for my knife handles.

That is about the only thing I am doing with my traditional woodworking tools these days.
Great idea, Glenn! I don't want to kidnap your thread, but this is related so I hope you don't mind. I have been using Lee Valley's Veritas Prairie Dogs for quite a while now and love them! A simple push with your finger and they pop out of their hole ready for use. I have about 4 of them installed on my bench. Can't imagine life without them now. The profile when they are up is quite low and I plane against them all the time.

Great idea, Glenn! I don't want to kidnap your thread, but this is related so I hope you don't mind. I have been using Lee Valley's Veritas Prairie Dogs for quite a while now and love them! A simple push with your finger and they pop out of their hole ready for use. I have about 4 of them installed on my bench. Can't imagine life without them now.
Kidnap away. I am also a fan. I run them primarily in my vice jaws and would hate to be without them.
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