Maloof Finish Question

Rennie Heuer

Staff member
Constantine, MI
Equal parts of BLO, tung oil, and a quality satin or semi-gloss poly varnish. (Though I think earlier on it was BLO, turpentine, varnish)

From what I understand Mr. Maloof developed this finish primarily for use on his walnut creations as it enhanced the look of the wood better than other finishes. I've done a little research and have seen it used on other woods with some success but the transformation is not usually as striking as on walnut.

Given cherry's propensity to blotch under some stains, dyes, and topcoats, I was wondering if anyone has used the Maloof finish on cherry and what your impression was of the results. I love using danish oil on cherry and I think it does the grain well, seems the Maloof finish might do the same plus offer the added protection of the varnish.
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I have. The cherry looks pretty good. There is some blotching. The natural darkening of cherry overcomes this in a few years. I have done a couple of pieces in the last few years with a BLO: Mineral Spirits: Poly blend with Transtint 'Reddish Brown' and 'Orange' dyes blended in to the first 1:1:1 coat with good success. The initial coloration (I'm sure any good colorant that you liked would work) seems to lessen the blotchy appearance, simulates a more mature cherry color and blends to obscurity as the cherry's natural darkening comes to pass.
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All the oil only yellows up the wood for me. MLC precat, sanding sealer and clear finish give the best look. If stain is needed waterborne powder dies boiled down and wiped down give the most intense tones. We'll do oil only if it's an outside piece.