The look good Tom, much better than my first hand cut dovetails
I've only just begun the learning curve, but I can do a corner in about 15 minutes now, compared to a good hour (and a half

) and I imagine with more and more practice I can improve on that time too.
Why the emphasis on time?
If you can dig out your tools for the job and complete it in a few minutes, and do a good job of it, why would you want to mess up your shop with a router jig and all of that noise
Obviously I'm not running production here, but I've seen guys with the skills bang out 4 drawers in a lot less time than it would take for me to set up and get the router jig all going.
I practice with Luan, a cheap kind of Mahogany, I cut the boards about 6" wide, by 1/2" thick and maybe 8" long, I then do a set, and when done, I trim the set I just did off, 1/2" and do another, so I can get 8 sets before the boards become too short to bother with, this is a really quick way to learn, and you don't use a lot of materials.
I practiced for about an hour a day for a good week or two before I could do them somewhat well, consistently, which reminds me, I need to do my monthly practice session
I really enjoy doing them, it is a nice quiet time for me in the Dungeon, and I like having this skill.
BTW, what is the saw you have in the pic?
I use a Japanese pull saw and like it.