Parcel arrived!

Really liking this piece. I've been trying to remember of who this work reminded me of and it finally came to me. Some strong Randall Rosenthall vibes, which is very high praise indeed as he's one of the better living wood carvers imho (his use of paint is kind of next level). Not quite Grinling Gibbons but who is really hah.

I still say your command of English is better than a lot of people for whom English is their only language. :)

Truth! There the old joke

If someone who speaks many lanuages is multilingual
and someone who speaks three languages is trilingual
and someone who speaks two languages is bilingual
what do you call someone who only speaks one language poorly?

An American.
Sorry David, my comand of coloquial english is rather limited, a booboo is a flaw or similar thing?
Correct. Boo-boo is a term used here with small children when they get a bump or a scrape. The "word" is commonly used in a lot of regions speaking American English to describe a small error.

On another subject I have shown a picture of your package carving to several people and every one of them has had the same reaction; "where's the carving?" followed by astonishment that they are looking at the carving (y)
Yes Toni, the artist working on piece always feels something is not exacetly correct, regardless of the way it looks. Other people do not not see what you preceive as a flaw. Sometimes this improves the overall presentation.

Toni, CJ said that would make a great April Fool's joke!!!!!! I asked him, "do you remember Toni?" He said, "yes! he drew that car that mom put in a frame and it is hanging in my bedroom!" You made a lifelong friend in him Toni!! CJ said to tell you, "that is pretty amazing craftsmanship and purely crazy!!!"

Ashleigh said, "that is cool!!! and she has never seen anything like that!!"

Thought you ought to know their reactions were real and they were amazed with your abilities!!