Pen Swap Partners (closed)

Wow, that's another page of impressive pens. Well done to all you guys. Pete Jordan and I might not make the Feb 14 deadline, but we've mutually agreed that the wait will be worth it for both of us. I've had at least three failed attempts at the pen I want to make for him, with more parts arriving just today, and he's still waiting for delivery on a blank he ordered for my pen. I've learned there's a whole other kind of pressure when you're trying to turn a pen for a pen turner. :eek:

Yeah, a pen that LOML thinks is beautiful I wouldn't have the nerve to try to pass on to another turner.:eek::eek:

This is very true. I was not sure what to make Barry. Admittedly, I'm not a clever person and have very limited visual ingenuity. I wanted the pen to be special but didn't want to risk ending up with something freaky. Finally, I fell back on what brought me to woodworking/turning in the first place. I like wood and things made with it. I believe that 90% of the beauty in most items comes from making the item so that it shows the beauty of the wood. So, I fell back on basics and chose an attractive wood and tried to make the pen skillfully so as to show off the natural beauty of the wood. In this case, curly mesquite.
This is very true. I was not sure what to make Barry. Admittedly, I'm not a clever person and have very limited visual ingenuity. I wanted the pen to be special but didn't want to risk ending up with something freaky. Finally, I fell back on what brought me to woodworking/turning in the first place. I like wood and things made with it. I believe that 90% of the beauty in most items comes from making the item so that it shows the beauty of the wood. So, I fell back on basics and chose an attractive wood and tried to make the pen skillfully so as to show off the natural beauty of the wood. In this case, curly mesquite.

I know the felling as well. But FRANK really, REALLY, REALLY did a GREAT job. The wood is absolutely stunning. Very 3D in the curl, and the fit and finish is spot-on. Thanks again Frank, it is an honor to have this pen.
Lookie what I got

Got this from Barry yesterday. Gent fountain made from some of Stu's Tokoyo Sakura as I understand it. Got some other nice blanks from Japan as well.:thumb: Thanks, Barry, I like!!!


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Here are a couple of pictures of the pen I sent to Tyler and, according to his note today, he likes it. I have no clue as to what wood this is, but when I turned it a while back and all the grain and spalting popped out, I knew I'd have to save it for something special, and Tyler and this pen swap were special. The box is one of the lift-hinge boxes and, as I do with every pen swap I ever do, I engraved a box to go with the pen. It's a classic American flat-top double-twist - my tried-and-true standby. I hope Tyler wasn't shinin' me on when he said he loves it.:p:p



Sorry about the picture quality - I took the pics in a hurry the other day before I boxed it up. Maybe Tyler can do a better job.

Thanks, Pete. These are such fun to do. I'm participating in a swap on an Australian forum - this will be my second swap with an Aussie (first one got me into this one). I've also done a swap with a Welshman, so I'm accumulating special pens from all over. My pens may not be spectacular, but I really like the surprise of providing an engraved box with the pen I send.
Very nice, Nancy. :clap: Your penturning skills have improved noticeably since I saw one of your early batches in ABQ. ;) That particular Flat Top American kit is my nemesis...I've messed up a fair number of them. I have a pretty good success rate with them now, and I like them a lot when I do it right, but they sure did beat me up in the beginning.
Ohhh that's not all. She also stuffed the rest of the packaging box with pen blanks. Curly eucalyptus, koa, mahogany, walnut burl, walnut, poplar and locust. The pictures here do not do it justice. I've already had people offer to buy it from me. One offered enough where it was almost tempting, but They would still not have gotten it. It's a stunning piece of work. It's sitting on my desk at work right now. People just have to come by and drool over it, cuz I'm watching it like a hawk so it don't grow legs!!!!:D Thanks bunches Nancy, yours won't be nearly as good I'm afraid, but I'm trying!!!