Placing Components Off Axis in SketchUp

Dave Richards

SE Minnesota
I did the following for another forum this morning and I thought I'd share it here in case there's any interest.

For those using SketchUp, I would recommend that you keep an eye out for the Skill Builder videos that Aaron from the SketchUp team puts out. Lots of little tips in short, concise videos.

The other day Aaron posted a new Skill Builder video that shows a handy way to position a component in an off axis situation. Well worth a few minutes to watch it.
Since I can't put two videos in one post, here's the video I did.

I use a different method and did a video to show how I go about adding these sorts parts. I actually do this for all sorts of objects, not just those that are off axis. It's not necessarily better, it just uses a different workflow leveraging the power of components. Mine doesn't have the nice opening like Aaron's does.