Sometimes I am So SMART!

Dave Hoskins

Parker County, Texas
My left eye was kinda itchy and scratchy and so on. I have been dealing with some sinus congestion. Never put the two together. Not me. My left eye was all crusted over yesterday morning so to say the least I knew I had goofed up kinda bad. Went to the doctor and of course it had to be Pink Eye. ARGGGGG! Came home with all kinds of stuff to take for it. So, the ongoing projects in the shop will stay on going to a few days. Again, ARGGGGG! So for those who are smarter than me, and there are many of you out there, beware if your eye itches.
Yeah, Fred. It's highly contagious. I'm making everybody keep a good distance from me when at all humanly possible. Hmmm. Tamales are known to fix all kinds of things. Might have Belinda pick some up this afternoon or certainly on Friday.
Tamales sound like the perfect Thanksgiving dinner..... it's a bummer, but we have two Mexican restaurants in town and neither serves tamales.

I had "pink eye" when I was a youngster... I might have been in the second grade... thought it was pretty cool that Dad let me wear his sunglasses to cover them up... people said you could catch by looking at someone who had it.... silly superstitions.

My left eye itches pretty regularly, but I have a sensitivity to one of the woods I turn... I mix so many woods together on my pepper mills, don't know for sure which one, but a couple of weeks back I woke to having my left eye swollen and red... lasted about a day and was make to as close to normal as I get.