Take a seat

I don't care if they're comfortable, I designed them to fit the space, not the person.


Sounds exactly like Frank Lloyd Wright.

There's one of his houses in OR we visited.. The lady was a weaver and had her favorite loom, so FLW designed in a loom space but rather than moving everything literally 6" to one side to fit her favorite loom he made it just a wee bit to small and she spent the next 30 some years with a lesser loom that fit the space. Interesting design but I'd mostly hate to live in one of his houses.

Your chairs here are certainly more accommodating than that, although I would be mildly concerned about the front & center post from an umm... functional.. perspective 😁 It's likely fine in practice and they do indeed look wonderful!
You'll have to take a vow of poverty. :rofl:
I always enjoy when someone who knows me thru a friend or relative asks me if Id be interested in doing something for them.......then I tell them I want to get paid per hour what they make at their job and Ill even take 10 percent less, and their ;project is a two week deal. thats it, they dont ask me again. they want me to work for 6 dollars per hour. isnt wood free, it grows all over.and Im not half the craftsman you are.
not my daughter though, she never questions ;price, she just tells me when you deliver it dad ill make you dinner, and we are even.shes lucky shes giving me another grandchild in 2 weeks