Upgrade to my CNC Router

Getting back online with my CNC machine.

Still working out some details.

It IS possible to save all programs from Vectric into ONE file - EVEN though I do NOT have a ATC tool changer and even though the job I am running has sever completely different tools. So I made a tool tray. This try will hold my tools in the sequence I need for the program. This is an operating tool tray, not a put away location for the tools.

When the program is running it will come to a tool change code in the CNC program and prompt me to change to the next tool. The spindle moves to a tool change position - righ next to the tool change station - stop and wait for me to change the tool. I press cycle start and the machine measures the tool and continues where left off until next tool is needed, then repeats until all tools ran their cycle and the program ends.

The tool change sequence is customizable via Macro programming. In the CNC world Macro programming is an advenced programming that uses math and able to interact with the machine variables and parameters. The majority of CNC programmers do not use it. I have done a fair bit of it in industry. I still need to work on the sequence before I call it finished.

Anyway - my tool tray is Cocobolo with a Bushes Oil finish.

Centroid Acorn.jpg Tool Tray.jpg
I am working on that and I am close. When running the Gcode program it will ask a couple of questions. 1) do you want to remeasure the tool press 1, 2) Do you want to skip remeasure the tool press 2.

Well, just a TAD more than that but it will be really easy. Just pick a menu choice.

I have created many such Macro Programs in Industry.
The operators have always loved it.

First tool,
Menu choices
yes measure the tool
The machine will go to a fixed position and measure the tool then return to the Gcode program and continue machining

Second tool
Same menu choices
yes measure tool
The machine will go to a fixed position and measure the tool then return to the Gcode program and continue machining

More tools - or less tools

What Gcode is done, program ends

The setting of Work Zero is built into the tool change sequence.
Each tool will be set to Work Z zero - either top of material or machine bed - based on operator input.

Sooo - if a work project is to be making some thing whereas the top of material where Z zero has been machined away, it will not matter.

Another nice thing is that the operator only loads ONE Gcode program with all the tools, not one program for each tool.

This is all accomplished in the tool change code "M6" in the Gcode program. The Gcode will execute M6 which in turn calls the M6 macro program. The macro program "Mfunc6.MAC" is where all the internal coding is done. I have done a fair amount of MacroB programming on Fanuc controls in industry. In Centroid thay have a little more cookie cutter and automated approach to macro programming. It's a little different but also similar. Centrois uses IF-THEN-ELSE and GOTO and user variables and many other similarities. Centroid is a lot more restrictive in some sense, but is easier in another sense. Things I want to do is ton directly interact with system variables. Centroid uses G92 to set WCS (G54) Z axis. That is my only choice. My choise would be to access the system variable for that. Also I would prefer to have access to other system variables and do the setup differently, but I cannot access the variables the way I want.
No problem. I’ve been at this on my home machine since 2007 I do agree it’s not really a big deal. Certainly not a primary reason to make the upgrade to Centroid If that was my primary rationale. I would not do the upgrade. It is certainly a really nice to have.