Where in the World is Larry???


Phone home

Hope everything is alright.

I got to thinking, with Larry visiting all these incredible shops and meeting these great people....it's gonna be a real downer for him to come home to a empty shop, painted in pinks and purples.....and hangin out with a framing carpenter.:rofl:

shop? heck it`s allready been converted to "quilting central" .....the beer cooler has been replaced by a coffee/tea/expresso machine, the tablesaw by a cookie oven, there`s carpet on the floor to make vaughn jealous....;)

Phone home

Hope everything is alright.

I got to thinking, with Larry visiting all these incredible shops and meeting these great people....it's gonna be a real downer for him to come home to a empty shop, painted in pinks and purples.....and hangin out with a framing carpenter.:rofl:

Framing carpenter?.....is this the same world class quilter person?

The word I got is that the income from the tool sales is being applied to a quilting machine purchase.:huh::rolleyes:
well it regroup time

well ihad a docking setup for mississippi but the docking station was closed so i tok and went on to the next destination which was clear over on the east side of the hilly billy continent.. got my antifreeze supply refilled and got the main fuel compartment over filled, denise is one very fine hostess and the long hairded guy she stays with is evr bit as good:thumb:,,, the mision has been a hugh success and the orbits have all been great, the final leg of this journey will begin thursday am and expect renenter to be sometime late friday or early sat. so steve you had beeter hurry up and get everyhting you need outa there cus if it aint gone by the time i get back it wont be leven:rofl: tod and dennis both were very nice to have allowed me to drop in for visit.. had a great time and got to once more see what the woodworking family is all about ,,, wood friends and good hospitality all mixed togeher to make us who we are... thanks for adding some spice to the mix tod and marty and all i have seen on this endeavor,,, pics will be posted today denise said so:thumb: and we all know that when a lady speaks it happens now:thumb::thumb:
p.s. called bobby and all is ok left phone message at home to ditto:wave:
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Yup, you guys are right on.

Mark, Not a Phaff, we're going for the $40,000.00 one here, It would be the Millenuim long arm, should be deliverd tomarrow. Can't wait.(only in my dreams dear)
Gosh it is nice to have great wishes , while we're young enough to remember just what it is we want.ha
Painting again tonight, Does any one else out there look good in pink? just wondering.:huh:
Larry did call last night like a good hubby, Thanks for all of your concern. I think the paint fumes are getting to me.
better get back to work, I hear the boss is coming home soon. Been nice talking to all of you, Thank you for welcoming me into the clan. Larry has found a good group of friends here, Later the "pink Lady":eek:
. so steve you had beeter hurry up and get everyhting you need outa there cus if it aint gone by the time i get back it wont be leven

Karl...where in the hades are you?

Larry will be on his way home. Hurry up and get here. Got to get that curly cherry outta here....quick!
A hard day at The Studio...

Well, Larry and I had a tough day. We worked on staining a board or two, we got a piece of veneer bookmatched and shoved in the bag. And then...we decided it was too much work so we...


grabbed a couple poles, a bucket o'worms...and we went fishin!

And we didn't have to go to far from the shop...


Nice having fish that close. Too bad they were still on the spawn and weren't interested in our worms...

We'll post a shop pic or two in the morning.

And Karl....you better hurry up....

- Marty n Larry -
Looks to me like Larry's putting more effort into lightening your beer supply than fishing......:rolleyes:

Larry....I've got beer in Idaho!:D

Well, it's a good thing you yelled Steve. I been taking a, what I thought was a well deserved, nap.

They wouldn't let me on the Macinacky bridge. :( Says I was too slow and with the head wind I'd end up going no where, maybe even backward, so's I got me on a ferry boat. Now when I landed I thought it strange that there weren't no other vehicles there. :huh::dunno:

They weren't gonna let me off the boat, but I gunned it and next thing you know, I've outrunned them all. Even at 5 MPH. :thumb: Didn't hurt that I was throwin carrots and sugar cubes at my pursuers either, but however you can get away is good. :thumb:

Now here's where the problem comes in. See, I could swear, but I won't, I been by the same place at least three times. :dunno: I'm getting really low on gas,down to my last 5 gallon can and still keep going by the same tree [ I got smart and marked it after a couple of trips:doh:], but so far it seems I'm still going in circles.

I haven't given up though. I'm still lookin fer that fork in the road that will lead me to Delton. :thumb::D

Can't wait to see the quilt room. I do hope Randi did some of it in flourescent colors with black lights. And maybe a disco ball.

Did you get the cherry cut into 3' lengths so's it'll fit in the trailer? If it's longer and I have to put a red flag on the end it just seems to attract the police. Much like one of them red thingys does with a bull. Know what I mean?

Still tractorin, but seemingly not getting anywhere. :eek:

Hey Marty, maybe you could keep Larry there a couple more days. ;) Put a couple dead fish on his line so's he thinks he's catching something. ;):D You know, get a sea bass or something from the local fish market. Maybe a couple of shrimp or even a lobster tail or two. And of course a cooler stocked with libations. :thumb:

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well its lift off time

:D:Di gettn ready to lift of from georgia and head back north,, its been a good flight and the conditions have been great too. had that sea bass last night karl and was as fresh as ever we didnt show the whole picture of fishun see we had t keep our hot spot and tips to ourselvs. the weather is clear and the tanks are full and ready we just have to do the last minute check offs and we ready for rentry:thumb:

marty and denise will be runig the guidance system from here and will fill you in on the progress...

BEEN A GREAT FLIGHT FOLKS, hope youall have enjoyed the ride as much as i have....:D:thumb::D
Man, I sure hope Larry remembered to put his Michigan hat on. Otherwise people gonna be sending him in the wrong direction. :eek:

He could end up in Ideeho. Is the potato crop ready for harvesting yet Ken? That could be a new experience for Larry. :D

Surely there has to be more woodworkers between here and Jawja that ole Larry can stop in for a visit.....it would give a little more time to get rid of the few remaining pieces of stuff that is cluttering up the quilt shop.
Well, we had a successful launch this morning. There's a hillbilly somewhere betwix Jawjah and his quiltin' shop.

Just prior to the launch sequence, we all headed out to the shop for the obligatory 'family visit' shot:


And of course, while I was getting the camera and tripod ready, Larry just couldn't resist playing around a little. He grabbed a chunk of my pen turning stock:


Man, I sure hope Larry remembered to put his Michigan hat on. Otherwise people gonna be sending him in the wrong direction. :eek:

He could end up in Ideeho. Is the potato crop ready for harvesting yet Ken? That could be a new experience for Larry. :D


Well Karl,

Unless he changes once he gets north of the Mason-Dixon, he's wearing a hat Denise and I picked up for him:


We wanted to make sure he felt at home here in the south...:thumb:

Well, we sure enjoyed meeting and spending time with ole Larry. He's sure a great guy!

Hope he has a safe and uneventful trip back north. And hopefully the warm sunshine we canned for him lasts til he gets up there into the frozen north...:D

- Marty n Denise -
Well with gas prices hitting $3.78 here yesterday I hope "Bubba" has enough cash to make it home.

Hey Bubba, I recently had a tool/wood sale....I could loan you a few bucks from that sale so's you can make it back to Meecheegan.
Oh my goodness, Larry wearing a BUBBA hat. :thumb::D

Now there's any number of states he could end up in. Why even up here there's a BUBBA or two. :thumb:

I do hope Larry reset the TomTom or Garmin, or whatever he's using. :eek:

Just follow the north star Larry. When you run outta green you went to far.

well we had a safe rentery!!!!

had a sucessful landing in the gun lake area this am around 1.35a.m,, had some turbulents in atlanta the garmin didnt like my route that i had been given,, and hit the lunch crowd:eek: but i got to see atlanta in al its glory:thumb: i couldnt have timed it any better thanks to marty,s advice. isaw the smokies in the daylight with all the colors of the redbugs and i think they were wysteria grape cluster blossoms in trees:dunno:... as i was gettin close to ohio i had some tiles get loose:eek:, so i had to turn up the radio to over come it,, muffler pipe sprung a leak roars now.... prior to that i had one other minor complication,,, lost part of my afterburners in which i needed to slow down my rentering for the docking in arkie land,,, made a cautious landing at tods and we were able to repair the damage and theefore allowed me to continue my journey... the sunshine that you and denise bottled up for me is still shinning and will for a very long time:thumb: as i look back on this years flight i have alrady got great visions for the next mission,, have lots of time to prepare and will be looking forward to it.. oh jon her directions were right on went threw it without one hitch,, the only thing i missed was tyhat pie you hide from me:rofl: mr karl the new hat was definatly an asset in the georgia area,, i got served like a king and had not one bad incident blended right in... as for rentery in to michigna i did replace with a u.p. hat so as to not get ridiculed up here once i hit the indaina are on.. bubba works all the way to ohio and the very lower part of indiana then it gets ugly from there on for the most part.. i thought i saw you i follered a wisc. plater for aboput 135 miles....and steve (aliaas) boss, i have tommrrow open with no other flights or agrenda,s the better half is gone and will be till sunday afternoon so if you want to go over the flight stop in....:D/// marty the security is in place!!!!!!! name rank & serial no.
Thunderstorms, hail the size of my thumb, raining like no tomorrow at this moment, thought Larry was passing by!!! Evidently based on the above post, it was due to the vacumn created by his reentry! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: