Where were you during WOODSTOCK

I was working as an electrician's helper doing electrical construction at a Westinghouse Turbine Components plant. I was making what I considered big money in those days $4.84 per hour. And I was getting 8 hours of overtime per week most weeks.

I didn't know anyone that attended until I went back to campus and found out two of my suite mates had been.
I was 14, my parents would not let my brother take me. he had just gotten my grandfathers old plymouth and decided to drive up there. he told us when he got home, he saw a mountain ahead on the thruway, but it wasnt a mountain, it was people and traffic. He abandoned the plymouth, as it broke down, on the thruway, and walked another 20 miles. he never spoke about his experience up there for a few days. at least not to us. I should ask him now and somewhere there are pictures he took, mostly on the road to get there, people he met. and a picture of the white plymouth pushed off the side of the road.....as he said there were so many breakdowns and everyone was just leaving the cars alongside the road

i dont remember the exact time, but me and elen were up in bethel many moons ago, and brittany spears was an unknown and was singing up there at the original area of the woodstock festival
it was probably around 1989 because that was the year we rented a house for the summer at davos, a ski resort, most skiers rented out their homes during the summers up there.no, could not have been in the eighties, must have been more like 2000 ir 1999, somewhere when we were up there. we went to the catskills every year for 20 years, sometimes a few times a year.
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8th grade. My dad had to take me to see the movie since it was rated whatever they called it back then that was "inappropriate" for 14 year olds. I remember a scene where David Crosby says something like "finally a decent sound system". Compared to what we used 10 years later it was pretty crude. Compared to what people used ten years earlier it was magnificent.
I think I was in 6th grade back then, and living in rural northern NM. I wasn't even really aware of the significance of Woodstock until a few years later. One of my early high school guitar-playing buddies had a chance to go with some of his mom's friends (he would have also been in about 6th grade at the time), but he didn't think it would be very interesting. By the time we were freshmen in high school he regretted that decision.