Where were you during WOODSTOCK

Too young by enough years that I didn't really know anything about it at the time and old enough that the music of the time is still what I enjoy. In those years I was deeply into radios/electronics so there was always a radio (usually a crystal set) beside my bed and I'd listen when I woke up at night.

It's interesting to know that the average age today of person who attended would be about 77. I'd guess that half aren't around anymore.
I was back in California working at TWA.... don't remember seeing or hearing much about Woodstock in those days.

I do remember vividly what I was doing when Kennedy was killed.... we had just going into dry dock to replace a driveshaft on the USS Finch DER328... I was in a lower hold of the ship unloading spare parts for inventory and standing on a ladder hold a rather heavy box of parts over my head, when a fellow sailor was jumping up and down and shouting "Kennedy's been shot, Kennedy's been shop".... my reaction was at the time, "I don't care whose been shot, somebody take this box."
Was a solemn time on the ship for the rest of the day.
When Kennedy was assassinated I was in 7th grade Common Learnings (a combination social studies, literature and English class). It was announced over the PA.

I'll never forget that when my mother came to pick us up (us being members of the car pool) I was sitting in the front seat and this pretty little blonde girl walked by and she was crying. For some reason seeing her crying just broke my heart. I didn't know who she was at the time but later we became friends and even went to the junior/senior prom together in high school.

Funny what you remember from all those years ago.
Woodstock, I was 15. We were not to speak of Woodstock except in the most derogatory manner in my house. For all I knew the Devil himself was there running the show.

Kennedy assassination, third grade… My view of politics was very limited and one sided. In the view I had the worst thing about the assassination was that Lyndon Johnson was going to be President…

Those extremely conservative views stayed with me my entire life, with the exception of a few years in college.

Woodstock, I was 15. We were not to speak of Woodstock except in the most derogatory manner in my house. For all I knew the Devil himself was there running the show.

Kennedy assassination, third grade… My view of politics was very limited and one sided. In the view I had the worst thing about the assassination was that Lyndon Johnson was going to be President…

Those extremely conservative views stayed with me my entire life, with the exception of a few years in college.

Plenty of reasons not to like LBJ not the least of which was when he picked up his beagles by the ears.
I was ten years old and I knew about it when I was 16 and started to play Jimmy Hendrix records and watch documentarys about it. In those times certaing news or events arrived late here.