When was this forum born and why?

Not to worry, Toni...

The question comes up from time to time as the forum grows. Newer members start to think about the who, when, how and why the forum got started. It's always interesting to look back and see how the forum has changed, grown and diversified since it began...
OK, here's the real story...

One night back in 1976, Stu and I were just finishing up one of our famous Canadian outback drinking binges that ended up as usual...Stu was dancing around the campfire naked and I was curled up in a ball and in tears crying about the Estonian Space Program. Suddenly, this biker guy rolls up (turns out is was Tod, but we didn't recognize him in the three-piece suit and no beard) and says "Fellers, 30 years from now, after computers have become so prevalent we have them in our cars and toasters, we should start a group -- let's call it a forum -- to discuss the love of knitting that we all have in common." Stu, always the thoughtful and diplomatic one, said "Hemoglobin? I though you brought the hemoglobin!"

And the rest, as they say, is history. :D
And Larry's right about Andy. (I see no need to keep it hush-hush any more...for various reasons.) ;) Very soon after we graduated from sending a bunch of e-mails to talking on a forum (using a temporary forum Stu had available at the time), Keith offered Andy the position. Andy felt he could effect positive changes at SMC, so he accepted the offer.
And we also have him to thank for Bill Grumbine being here...don't think he planned it that way, but that's how it worked out.
OMG, I had no idea this site was started by a bunch of rule-breaking troublemakers. I have new respect!

Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? :D This forum is actually part of the community service we have to do as part of our probation. :rofl:

Now you know the story behind my signature line. ;)
I remember following with Great interest on SMC the build of Marty's shop.

The one day, everything stopped.... I still checked SMC for a while. Then one day, a few months after that, I did a search for 'Marty Walsh Shop' on Google and lo and behold found he was continuing the build of the shop on a new web site.

It really was one of the more interesting series of posts I'd read and I was so glad to find it.

I now find I only seem to have time to check FWW, and really don't look at SMC anymore. Just more friendly here, and usually, more relevant....
Well guys....

I hope not to have unleashed the resentment devil or opened pandora´s box with my question. I asked out of pure innocent curiosity, this is a great forum and I'd like it to continue like that:(

toni, you`re fine! what happened in the past happened.......fww came to be because of the way other people behaved.....those of us who choose to contribute knowledge do so because we love the trade/craft so it`s not very likely that this forum will ever evolve into a financial venture or the type of place where folks are ostracized for having different opinions, heck, we all know there are as many different ways to cut joinery or apply finish as there are fish in the sea....what works for one may not work for another so that`s why it`s so important to share ideas and techniques in an unfettered format.