I feel cheated

uh, perhaps just a little. I think it's the facial hair that gives the impression of age in excess of puberty.:rofl:

I'm glad you wrote this instead of Larry. No telling how the spelling might have come out.:eek:

ok boys i do know how to spelk sum werds and dich is supused ta bee ditch ya no like the hole in the ground where they plant old folks. just kick a few leaves over it and go on:) now as fer chuck and 14 well that depicts the life in dog years,, he quit the barker:) and fer the ashman well hes dun fergot more thani will ever learn but i do still rember the 12 oz culrs that he taughme i nevr new how til met him...:rofl: for some reason i feel like a red backed chicken and its only my head thats bare right now:rofl:
ok boys i do know how to spelk sum werds and dich is supused ta bee ditch ya no like the hole in the ground where they plant old folks. just kick a few leaves over it and go on:) now as fer chuck and 14 well that depicts the life in dog years,, he quit the barker:) and fer the ashman well hes dun fergot more thani will ever learn but i do still rember the 12 oz culrs that he taughme i nevr new how til met him...:rofl: for some reason i feel like a red backed chicken and its only my head thats bare right now:rofl:

Don't feel to bad Larry I can't find all my mistakes either even when I read the post three times before I send it.