Blowing off Sanyo steam

you may find some help over here,

Home Theater sales, calibration, & service!

I ended up here while searching out info on new TV's,, which led me to investigating projectors :rolleyes:
Thanks! Worth looking into.:thumb:

Rennie said, in part: "I called back on monday and was talking to a human in less than 3 minutes. Seems they were closed on Friday and did forget to update the outgoing message."

With modern technology available, I sometimes use more than one phone when a company puts me on hold like that.
We have: our land line; our Magic Jack phone and two cell phones, each with a different number. Most of our phones have a 'speaker' feature.
I'll put the one I'm using on speaker and call the tech support again with a differenet phone. Sometimes, I'll get through and hang up the first.
But, it's a shame you have to go through any of this nonsense at all.

What really irritates me is when the support person doesn't seem to pay any attention to what you are saying.
e.g. you tell tech "My monitor screen is all blue and I can't do anything."
tech: "And what is your problem?" and on and on it goes.......:bang:
I'm sure we have all been there.
oooo.... Sneaky.:D

Sounds like it's time for a charity auction...highest bidder gets to smash the old one...if Rennie doesn't beat them to it. :D
With new replacements costing north of $8000, we might try to limp along with this one for a while longer.:rofl: