Joining the club

Thanks for the kind words. It means a lot.

For the "more on that later". I have been on Workers Comp for a long time. Didn't want to say anything because of the way people think about WC people. On Valentines day 2008, I about lost my left arm at work. Took a real good twist and yank. Couple different surgery's and test later, doing much better. That's the reason I look at it as a good thing. Lost my job during all the healing, but I got released to go back to work. That means I am almost better. Still have some effects, numb fingers, hand will go to sleep over my head. Told the doc yesterday that I am done being a Guinea pig for his experiments. The only problem I see is that I haven't paid into unemployment since Aug 5, 2008. Which was my last day in the plant. Feel real confident that all will be Ok.

Hope that made a little since. Thanks again. A new chapter opens Monday.
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Steve, I did retire long before I was ready. The whole GM crash and burn. I was fortunate to have 30 years in. Just before I retired the Company kept downsizing me to lesser ans lesser desireable jobs. I went from engineering all the way back to the assembly line. Soon after arriving there I recieved a minor tear in my rotator cuff and that pushed me into the retired ranks.

It has been quite an adjustment but I really have no regrets. Sure, I really liked working on dies and doing engineering work and would still be hard at it if I had a choice. It wasn't like my bosses wanted to let me go. I just didn't have 35 years seniority in the die division in order to hold that job.

It really sucks to have a broken wing. I couldn't do much with the arm for over a year. My hands also go numb if I raise them over my head for very long.

Look at your situation to think about re-inventing yourself. I am more busy than ever. Besides woodworking, I am feeding cows for a neighbor sometimes and selling lumber. I have so many projects going that I am forgetting important dates. I guess I need to get one of those electronic assistants.

If you give the good Lord a shout you might find He has plans for you. I'll put in a good word for you. :wave: