From out of the box swap

Santa Claus, In
I want to take a moment, a serious moment, and thank all involved for the box swap. I have had a blast doing it. Mine might not be the best by far, but I gave it a shot. I learned something from this. Larry even mentioned it when he was here. "Challenge yourself". I by nature am a safe woodworker. I take the easy route. I don't build much but novelty items. I stepped up a bit, learned a new thing or two.

I can't wait for next year.
That is one of the things that swaps are about Steve:thumb: To experience, share, expand, and on and on. My personal experience is, 1. failure 2. regroup 3. rethink 4. rebuild. I did two things i have NEVER tried before, and of those One of those is on my final box, but I have also learned thru those experiences:thumb: Yes GOOD TIMES. And next year:huh::dunno::D YA commitment already started:thumb::thumb::thumb::D
+1000 on that.

I'd like to go through maybe 5 more iterations of the box I built, but I tried something out of my comfort zone. It may not be perfect, but at this point, it is what it is, and I learned a lot from it.

And I think that's the whole point. It's not a competition, but rather something that should push you to try something new, different, and expand on your skills.
I would agree with all that has been said above my post. It has been fun, educational and inspiring. One thing I did different, I envisioned this box while working in the barn building feed troughs for the calves. When it started coming together, I ran into difficulties that I eventually worked through. But one thing I have never done, I took the time to create a cardboard front cut out of the box in real size. On the back of this real size template is my cut list and I have continued listing suggestions and improvements. My wife is hoping I will make her and the girls a box like the one being sent. So, that means at least she likes it. I hope the person on the other end does also. So yes, I stepped out of my comfort zone a little with this project also. I shared this with Tom, a large portion of this has been put together at school while my students are turning their projects. It has been inspirational for some of my students. One student in fact researched and cut his girlfriend a heart bandsaw box for her Valentine's gift. It had a swinging lid on a post, multilayered, very nice. He is the oldest of two children in his family and his mother was a little disapointed in not being the recipeint of such a nice handmade gift! No, mine is not a turned or a bandsaw box, but another student turned a lidded box and did a bang up job on some great cedar. So thanks to all.
You guys are making me feel bad. I didn't go out of my comfort zone. I did how ever master a part of box making that I have been looking to do for quite some time.:thumb:
Thanks Tom and everyone else that jumped in on this.
I will have to add to this. When I first read about this swap I did not want to enter for fear that I would disappoint someone (and I might still) :dunno: However I took the plunge and made an effort. I learned along the way and actually had fun building it and I know it wont be my last. This forum and it's members are really a great bunch. I have enjoyed the "push" to challenge myself on this project. I look forward to the next project as well. Sooo what's it going to be??????
Well, this whole thing was out of my comfort zone. Thank you for letting me participate. My box isn't perfect, but it's not bad--better than I had hoped it would be. And to whoever gets it (I know who you are :peek:) I want you to know that I really tried hard to make something nice. :eek: Most of what I've been doing is stuff I haven't done before, or at least all together in one project. It's a real confidence builder. THANK YOU.
Well, this whole thing was out of my comfort zone. Thank you for letting me participate. My box isn't perfect, but it's not bad--better than I had hoped it would be. And to whoever gets it (I know who you are :peek:) I want you to know that I really tried hard to make something nice. :eek: Most of what I've been doing is stuff I haven't done before, or at least all together in one project. It's a real confidence builder. THANK YOU.

And with that post, you summed up the whole reason for doing these things....:thumb:
Everyone has pretty much echoed my thoughts on this. I've never really made any small things. Just furniture. It was really fun to challenge myself and try something different.
Mine is far from perfect. I made 3 prototypes of 2 different designs before I was happy with my finished box.
My biggest fear was that I would have to send my box to Glenn Bradley:eek::rofl:
This was tons of fun and I'm really looking forward to the next swap.:thumb:
Well all I have to say is that if I can't resolve a minor issue on my box tonight it's getting shipped out with a "beauty mark" applied by a waffle face framing hammer in the trouble spot!

I hope it doesn't come to that. . . It would be a waste of perfectly good OSB!


Well all I have to say is that if I can't resolve a minor issue on my box tonight it's getting shipped out with a "beauty mark" applied by a waffle face framing hammer in the trouble spot!

I hope it doesn't come to that. . . It would be a waste of perfectly good OSB!



Forget about it, Jim :rofl: my box is one big beauty mark! :rofl:

One good thing is I discovered "wood filler"! That stuff is da bomb!
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Well all I have to say is that if I can't resolve a minor issue on my box tonight it's getting shipped out with a "beauty mark" applied by a waffle face framing hammer in the trouble spot!

I hope it doesn't come to that. . . It would be a waste of perfectly good OSB!



And the cats out of the bag. Everyone knows you can not leave waffle marks in OSB.:thumb::thumb::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I dont understand why anyone is less than confident about their work.

This is not a competition, this is not a competition.

Its like a walkathon. Everyone who participates is a winner if they cross the finish line, and even those that tried, that couldnt make it are still winners.
Allen speaks true. I applaud all of you who dove in despite your reservations. I know I did. I missed previous activities due to just being self conscious and was sorry afterward. This time I just figured, go for it.

The rewards have nothing to do with "the box". It is all the banter and good times stirred up by the participants and onlookers alike. Whatever we do next, I'm gonna try to turn something. That will be way out of my comfort zone because the only time I am near a lathe is in a WWing store or when I visit mom and dad. My condolences in advance to the recipient. ;-))