9/28/2011 - Ask a Stupid Question

I was cautioned to never tell someone they asked a "good" question when lecturing/presenting.

While their question my have been particularly insightful, when you don't tell the next person their question was also "good" they can only assume that it wasn't. :D
Only way to learn, is to ask that question.

Fortunately, I don't think Google makes any value judgements on the hundreds of questions I ask it on a daily basis... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
If you stop and think about it: You have to know an awful lot about a subject in order to ask an intelligent question.

If you know that much about the subject, you can probably figure out the answer to your own question.

However, it is much more efficient to ask someone who has already acquired that specific piece of information---That's not stupid. That is efficient.

If everyone stopped asking questions, they would spend all of their time looking up or figuring out the information they need. The world would come to a standstill. So please ask your questions, I don't want the world to stop.


Another note: If "ignorance is bliss", a relative who will remain un-named must be the happiest person in the universe! :rolleyes:

Fortunately, I'm pleased to say it's not a blood relative! :thumb:
I just found out that today is National Ask a Stupid Question Day. This turns out to be really convenient for me. ARE YOU SURE IT IS ONLY ONE DAY A YEAR?

Fixed it for you!:rofl:

Stupid is thinking you already know all the answers, and don't need to ask the questions.:thumb:
These boards exist in part due to us trying to eliminate our ignorance.