UHMW Tape - Ever use it?

Rennie Heuer

Staff member
Constantine, MI
I have some drawers I built for another project that could not be used (don't ask why :doh:). I thought I might use them in a shop storage project but want to keep the case as simple as possible - just a plywood box with shelves and the drawers would fit in between the shelves. Since they were made to be inset drawers, I'm having trouble finding slides that don't require a large clearance all around, even the under mounts. So, I was thinking (always dangerous :huh:) that I could just put a UHMW tape strip on the bottom of the drawer sides and where the sides would ride in the box.

Table Saw Cabinet.jpg
Anybody have any luck with this type of set up?
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I have used it on the bottom of fences for my jointer and table saw just to prevent any scratching while moving them without any problems Rennie.
I used it on the one and only refinishing project I did for LOML (Grandma's chest of drawers). Worked great. Drawers are used EVERY day and I finished the job a couple years ago. No failures. I put the tape in the carcass, not on the drawers.
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I used it on the one and only refinishing project I did for LOML (Grandma's chest of drawers). Worked great. Drawerrs are used EVERY day and I finished the job a couple years ago. No failures. I put the tape in the carcass, not on the drawers.

Thanks Glenn, and thanks everyone! I think this might be just the ticket for this project.
I used some on the drawers in one of our bathrooms. It helped a lot, and it's still working great 5 or 6 years later. :thumb: I also have some on my vertical tablesaw sled, and it has also worked out very nicely.