Little Gloat

My day is going to heck in a handbasket, so I thought I'd post a little gloat from my trip to LV.

I bought several casters, but I'm only showing 2. I also bought several pipe clamps, but only showing one. I honestly don't remember why I felt compelled to get those plug cutters....isn't that absurd? Just a quick photo to cheer myself.

You never know what will catch your eye when you go tool shopping. In the back of your head you're probably thinking you'll have some screw holes that will need to be covered up, and there you go, you'll have the right tool for the job to complete your project. That is assuming you can find the plug cutters when the need arises... ;)
Next time your down Cynthia if you are looking for casters and things like that we have a new store Princess Auto that has opened up here in langford and they have a wall of nothing but casters at a great prices.