Are You Voting?

Vaughn McMillan

Staff member
Hi Gang -

As you likely know, Family Woodworking was founded on the idea of being a member-run organization. With that goal in mind, we want to be sure all of the forum members are aware of the upcoming forum election and referendum. This is an important vote, because it will help shape the forum now and in the future.

Please be aware that in order to vote in this election, you must first register to vote. It's a simple and painless process, and it takes about 30 seconds. Frank Pellow posted excellent instructions for registering in this thread. Please register now if you haven't already.

We will be having elections for members to choose moderators and a treasurer, and we will also be voting to ratify three new documents:

The new Forum Constitution
The new Moderator Rules and Procedures
The recently-revised Forum Rules and Code of Conduct

All of these documents are posted in the Members Only forum for your review and comments.

The polls will be open for voting from April 1st through April 7th. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity for your voice to be heard, and for you to help shape the forum's future.

Thanks -

- Vaughn (and the rest of the Family Woodworking Staff)