Southwest Natural Edge...

Ted Calver

Staff member
Yorktown, Virginia
...or Flying Monkey? A nice piece of cherry that I couldn't bring myself to turn all the bark off. 13"d x 8.5"h, walls a little over 3/8", five coats of Antique Oil, buffed and Renaissance waxed.

SW.NE-1 L.jpgSW.NE-2 L.jpgSW.NE-3 L.jpgSW.NE-4 L.jpg
I missed seeing this one earlier, Ted. Nice job on a very challenging piece. You did a good job of maintaining the form of the vessel as it passes through the wing. :thumb:
Wayne, I posted this on a couple of other sites and people either wanted it to be a Southwest hollow form or a natural edge bowl...but not both. Some folks found it unsettling because their eye kept shifting from one form to the other. I's not a form I'm likely to repeat. It started as a NE bowl, but the blank was badly cracked so I ended up with a smaller bottom with spittoon shape wings... not my favorite shape. That's when I decided to do a SW form...just couldn't bring myself to cut away those nice bark wings:p
Ted you a fine artist. I find i could stare at you pieces for a long time continuously seeing different things in the shape and finish

You mentioned spitoon and before i saw your post its one thought that came to mind. But i also see an eye and eyelid as if the eye and its eyelid were sectioned out from the skull socket.

Another gallery piece in my view and finish is excellente. :thumbup:

Where do you come across a piece of wood like this?

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Where do you come across a piece of wood like this?

Rob..You are too kind. This came from a load of cherry an arborist friend gifted me a couple of years ago. The tree was cleared from a construction site at one of the local military bases. It had some great character, but I don't have much left and will have to start scrounging again soon.
