Steve Southwood, weather report?

North West Indiana
Steve, it looked like you guys got hammered with terrible weather over the weekend. It was North of us for a while, we were in the band and picked up maybe 3-4 inches total, then it was South of us. Are you calving during all of this weather? Hope this finds you and yours all okay.
Survived, lots of ice and about 3 inch of snow on top. 6 plus inches just South of us in the middle of Kentucky. Schools are closed just about everywhere. Very little power outages that are reported. No emergency's at work so I got to stay home.

Yep, dropping calves. All good so far. Got some good looking calves this year.
A little south east of you Steve, we got about 1/10" of ice yesterday morning and 6" of snow last night Fun Fun.roads are cleared for the most part, but the kids are out of school for some reason.