Presence Indicator?

Well I think I've come up with a solution. From now on, everyone needs to post that they are here and when they are not here, of course I probably won't be here to hear you, so just in case, go outside and yell really loud so that I could hear that you are here. Though I might not believe you as how can you be here and there at the same time. :huh:
Well I think I've come up with a solution. From now on, everyone needs to post that they are here and when they are not here, of course I probably won't be here to hear you, so just in case, go outside and yell really loud so that I could hear that you are here. Though I might not believe you as how can you be here and there at the same time. :huh:

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we consider Darren to be the brains of the Admin team. (Brent is the brawn, and I'm the good looks.) :rofl: