An Observation and Confession

glenn bradley

Way off topic but, these things happen when activity goes low . . . Any of you who have been around a while already know this but, Family Woodworking is a really great on line forum for woodworkers (and probably metalworkers and backyard chefs too but, I don't really go there:)). I must confess that as we have had a pretty big slowdown in activity here I have been surfing other forums to get my fix of woodworking discussion, build ride-alongs, tips and project ideas.

How soon one forgets how rude, argumentative, posturing and self-important a lot of those folks are. After following a particularly negative thread for awhile (its like a train wreck; horrible to see but, you can't look away :D) I dug into the main antagonist's posting history as a source of 'out of shop' amusement. This guy pretty much had something judgmental to say about almost anything yet, had not posted a single piece of work himself. Such is the bulk of most other forums I have tried to find a positive experience in.

My holiday thanks to Vaughn, Larry and all the rest who saw a need, broke from the pack and put in the time to establish this wonderful site. Now lets all get out to the shop and make something, break something, clean something or mess something up and put it in a thread so all of us can share in the success, failure, brilliance or stupidity :thumb:.
I don't go to any other forums. I signed up a long time ago to the router forum and pen turners forum but haven't visited them in quite some time. The main reason I belong is because of the people first, WWing second. This is generally a very polite place to be.
I participate regularly on 3 forums and pop in on 2 others.

Smaller forums notice the slowdown more. Family to me is mid sized.

Larger forums I think don't notice a slowdown - and they move too fast for me.

This is a unique place out of the places I frequent, in that is is a well documented operating forum. To me that is a huge plus.
As my woodworking has been on hiatus for the last few years, my interest in other woodworking forums has waned to the point where this is the only one I frequent. And I come here more for the family than the woodworking. The fact that we all have a common interest in wood is a bonus, but to me, this place is just like hanging out with friends. :thumb:
Well, since we're confessing, I spend most of my days on other forums posting negative feedback to their users and creating none of my own posts to help drive you all here. ;) :D

Honestly I do belong to a few other forums, but hardly ever post anywhere else.
I think instead of confessing we should invite a few troublemakers from other forums(there are other woodworking forums?) to liven things up here a bit.
Its been my experience here, the way to get everyone to post is either a good internet flame war, or other topics I don't care to encourage.

but I forgive you all for whatever sins you feel you need to confess for.
I only participate in one other woodworking forum - Wood Central. I've known its owner/chief moderator, Ellis for many years - way before FWW existed. His forum is quite well moderated, and nearly everyone over there acts 'gentlepersonly.'

Still, though, it doesn't have the 'family' atmosphere that exists here, and here is where I spend most of my online time.
I belong to a number of forums, but only visit here and one other with any regularity... most of the others I've been away so long I've forgotten my sign-on on all but one. I check in here every morning while I have the morning coffee. Then usually again in the evenings while I'm watching TV in my study. I don't like to go onto the forums where people aren't being friendly, or are being snarky.... just too tedious to follow those kinds of threads.

And if we're doing confessions, I have to confess that I've lost my FWW hat.... I don't like to wear hats to begin with, but Larry brought me one on his one and only visit down this way and it became my favorite... I kept it in my truck to wear at the craft shows I do... last month I had it with me, but took it off when I was getting too warm... I dropped it in my chair behind the both and I think some sorry son picked it up.... I'm going to have to order another for next season.
There's other sites & posters? :huh: :D... I signed up to a couple of other wood forums over the years, but never posted more than 1 or 2 comments on them, hardly, if ever, go to them nowadays. Now, thanks to you guys being so awesome {and the fact that the Bessey contest requires it}, I'm now lurking on FB trying to fumble my way around :rofl:

I'll have some upcoming threads when I dig myself out in a day or 34 :doh:

With the bunch of characters we have here, this place is more than enough :rofl: I'm referring to the knowledge, tutorials, build threads and of course the camaraderie :thumb:
This forum gets the job done for me. Retired and don't want to spend to much effort on competing
,so this hits the spot for helpful tips, instructions, good folks, and just downright neighborliness. Good folks to chat with and no
Sharpness to contend with. Amen to all you good folks.
Well, I'm guilty of not posting much because I haven't done much lately in my shop - guess you could call it a lazy phase! I don't participate to any great degree on any other forums unless I'm doing/looking for something specific like casting acrylic or turning pens. This is family, although I'm a long way from most members. Maybe I just need to get out more! :)
I don't think of my being a regular participant on other forums as being a confessional.

I see nothing wrong with it.

I find each place to have a certain personality. I do not like arrogance and do not participate in any forums where arrogance is present.

Just to be more open about it.

1) I was a member of but left that when a bunch of us decided to break off on our own and form I have been on there since 2004 or so. Nice group, small place - friendly - I have met many of the members. Plan to meet more.

2) Here - on and off for a few years - I love the notion of the COC - in my opinion this is the #1 best forum for that documentation and I also love the democracy of this place. This forum is a little larger and I get to see more stuff than at WOW. I also like the variety and that this place is not too large and fast moving. It's open to suggestion and to try new things. It's nice to have diversity too.

3) I participate regularly on the Vectric user forum. It is a focused CNC Vectric software group. I have to say - it is decently moderated and a friendly group. I get to learn more about the software and some of the members make some AMAZING things.

4) I stop in on Jamie Oxenhams forum occasionally. Very Very small group of artist/CNC people. Jamie is a movie set prop design artist. I met him at a Indiana sign camp as he was one of the instructors. Dan Sawatsky also participate there occasionally. Dan is a major theme park designer/artist/sculpter. I have also been under his tutelage.

5) I was participating in 3Dsign Forum occasionally - but they seem to have disappeared. I do hope they come back. That is a bunch of highly professional sign makers and artists and a few students like me.

I am always looking for thoughts, creativity, colors, textures, ideas, and ways to think outside the box.

I guess diversity - I really WANT to be different.
Good conversation all. I made a bad choice in words when I use "confession" in the title. Didn't mean to take an OT thread even more off topic :D. I had just been roaming around and noticed how some folks treat each other in the safety of an online forum and it triggered me to post this thread. My scope of 'roaming' would be narrow since I am a flat-worker and not a 100% Neander. I wasn't trying to dog all other places folks go by any means. I was really just trying to say how much I enjoy this site :thumb:
I visit other forums, but this is always my first stop, because I like the people here. It doesn't matter what phase of woodworking I am trying at the moment, I always receive good encouragement and support here as well as answers to questions I may have. I only wish I was knowledgeable enough to give back more. Lately I haven't contributed much because I have been busy with working on the basement. Wiring, hanging drywall, things I haven't done in thirty years, and darn, I don't remember it hurting so much thirty years ago.....