Art Guild show continued.

Chuck Ellis

Tellico Plains, Tennessee
I'm also working on some other things for the art guild show... I have a chess set almost finished, but no pictures yet... maybe later this week...

I've done these glasses and thinking about including them ... set of 4 parfait style wine glasses on Spalted Sycamore stems.

May change my mind about these ....

I finished this bowl from spalted Sycamore -- at least I'm pretty sure it's sycamore... my neighbor brought the logs down and dumped them in front of my shop... he said he didn't know what they were, but his log splitter wouldn't split them... they dont seem all that hard to me, but make for some pretty wood... The bowl is 11 inches diameter by 5 inches high, finished with my standard sanding sealer and wipe on poly.


Then I have some oak burl pieces I may show... I'm allowed 6 pieces, so have to decide pretty soon what else goes besides the chess set, kaleidoscope, teleidoscope and bowl.

These burls are all small, but have some nice figure in them...

Chuck, as always your work is amazing. Those will sell unless the folks that show up have zero class. 6 pieces is not much, is it? That would make it really hard to figger out what to bring. I don't envy you on your decision making.