Octopi using TouchUI touchscreen setup

Darren Wright

Staff member
Springfield, Missouri
I know a few of you are using Octopi for your 3d printers. A while back I purchased a 5" hdmi touch screen to use with a Raspberry Pi. This weekend I installed the TouchUI plugin on OctoPi and went through configuring it for use with the screen.


2017-11-26 20.43.39.jpg

Here are the steps I used in setting up a little 5" hdmi touch screen with a Raspberry Pi...

Download Octopi (https://octopi.octoprint.org/) and install to an sd card using Win32DiskImager (if using windows, https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/).

Edit octopi-network to setup your wifi settings, be sure to uncomment all lines

Edit the config.txt and add the following lines to the bottom of it for the 5" touch screen ( $25 USD: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072813CS7 see docs at: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/5inch_HDMI_LCD).

hdmi_cvt 800 480 60 6 0 0 0

Copy the LCD-show-161112.tar.gz file into the sd card, download first from http://www.waveshare.com/w/upload/4/4b/LCD-show-161112.tar.gz

Boot the pi, login with the default id/password (pi/raspberry)

Change the password using passwd to something only you will know.

Setup the LCD touch drivers, after last command, pi will reboot:

tar xzvf /boot/LCD-show-*.tar.gz
cd LCD-show/
chmod +x LCD5-show

** Do not run the desktop setup script mentioned on the command line once you've logged into the pi.

Open a web browser and go to http://octopi.local and go through the setup wizard, upgrade to the latest version if there is one, and go to plugins and install TouchUI

Go through the setup for TouchUI using instructions for Octopi/Jessie Lite at the link below. It installs a basic set of components needed to run the chrome browser in the touchscreen, installing the full desktop is a lot of overhead and runs slow, even on Pi3:

Calibrate your screen, helps to use a touch screen pen in the process if you have one:

Should you want to change the host name for octopi, update the following files with the name you wish to use:

sudo nano /etc/hosts
sudo nano /etc/hostname

Reboot the pi using the following:

sudo reboot​

Setup a samba share to upload files from windows. Once setup, just use the path \\octopi.local\uploads and save your gcode from your slicer directly to the file system on the pi, refresh the file list there and they appear:
Thanks for the documentation!

I've got mine working slightly differently, but it's nice to at least have the pause and stop buttons right there on the machine. Working on an enclosure for mine so I can use it during the winter.
I took a break from trying to set up my Octopi (Octoprint) because I had a heck of a time getting it to connect to my wifi. I decided to dive into it again this morning. I have been screwing around with this thing ALL DAY LONG, and it will not connect. I boot up the Pi (Pi3 B) and I can see its IP address in my router. But when I enter the IP address into a browser to access Octoprint, it times out and will not connect.

I've been over all the configuration setting countless times and went through the tutorial and troubleshooting guide and the data in there IS CORRECT! It just does not work. I'm about to throw in the towel.
Thanks. ton Darren for this post and taking the time to do such a detailed record of it all.

This is a good nudge for me to get off my hiny and set it up.

I see there is a 7inch display available is there any benefit to a bigger screen for guys like me that need glasses to see the screen?
She's breathing!!!

I finally gave up and went to bed at 2:40 a.m. and decided to pick it up in the morning. I've been having a lot of intermittent wifi issues lately. I spent a half hour trying to get my laptop online. I called WOW to find out what the heck was going on. Spent about 15 minutes on the phone with the tech and he did some tweaking on the router. He then said that he had to reset his computer and would call me back in about 10 minutes. That was over an hour ago and he still hasn't called back yet. But I finally got my laptop online and decided to dive back into Octopi.

I went back to where I left off and on the first attempt this morning, she connected! I got some settings done. Now I have to learn how to use this thing. Dangit, where are my Xanax?! :) LOL

The adventure begins!