Fibonacci gauge

Frank Fusco

Mountain Home, Arkansas
I just finished the Fibonacci gauge below. Fairly simple project. The long legs are 6 3/4", short 4 1/2". Has to be simple. After all, it was named after the guy who discovered that 1 + 2 = 3. It is made from osage orange planed down to 1/4" thickness, the min. that my planer will do. Hinged with brass screws, washers and nuts. The brass cost $4.50. :eek: I used 1/4", that isn't necessary, smaller will work fine. I only used brass for the beauty. For those who may not be familiar, the Fibonacci gauge gives constant proportions for what is called the Golden Mean, Golden Proportion, Golden Ratio, etc. The distance between three of the Fib. points gives the most pleasing balance to an item for the human eye. It is found on vases, famous architecture, paintings, and many other places. Plans for the gauge can be found on the internet and may have been posted here somewhere.


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Me too

I have one partially completed. I need to sharpen the points. I bought the parts from the site recommended in the article, but after I received them I felt like I had been taken.