Justice Served?

I made my post prior to seeing the newspaper pasting (even though my post came later - I guess I need to sign up for the Clardy School of Typing).

Reading the whole thing, I can't complain too much. Ten years is a stiff sentence if someone was just stopped at a traffic stop without the accident. Given the alleged facts of the situation, if a reasonably alert, non-impaired driver may not have been able to perform differently (i.e. reasonable doubt) the DA ran the risk of perhaps no conviction if they went for the manslaughter charge. Assuming that the woman would have gotten 2 - 5 years if she was merely pulled over at a sobriety checkpoint I think this is not an unnacceptable compromise for society as a whole.

I feel bad for the survivor though and hope that he is able to do what he needs to do to get on as best he can with the rest of his life. The driver should be responsible financially for whatever sort and length of counselling that he needs.
I have a hard time agreeing to anything less than manslaughter.

1. The woman was drunk & knew it.

2. She got behind the wheel knowing she was drunk & broke the law.

3. If she didn't get behind the wheel drunk & instead got a cab or someone to drive her would she have past that spot at a later time avoiding the accident altogether?

In my opinion all the other stuff is just ways of getting off with a lesser sentence.

If I walked into town with a concealed weapon & no permit to carry a concealed weapon & it dropped out on the ground & went off & killed someone I would be charged with both crimes.

1.Having a concealed weapon with no permit.


To me DUI is a concealed weapon waiting to go off.
I cannot believe how civil everyone is on this subject. I believe that knives would be flying by now with most groups. Everyone is allowed their opinion without a direct attack by someone else. Absolutely amazing.
i`m really hesitant to offer any type of opinion on this for the simple reason that i cannot know all of the surrounding circumstances...
i`m willing to bet that the judge and district attorney looked at more than just;
1) drunk driver
2) person on stalled snowmobile in roadway

no amount of keyboard logic i could offer will change things.
my condolances to all involved.