Woodlot Wood

Vaughn McMillan

Staff member
Just figured I'd show you all what $20 will buy for turning wood at the woodlot I visited in Pasadena last weekend.

Woodlot Wood 1 800.jpg

That's a piece of camphor up front, two pieces of sycamore on the left, and two pieces of liquid amber on the right. There was another chunk of camphor, but it got turned before I took the pic. (One of the liquid amber chunks just came out of the DNA tonight as a 18" x 13" NE bowl. Looks promising.)

The backside of all these pieces should net a few more NE bowls.

Woodlot Wood 2 800.jpg

And just to show I got the new toy dirty a bit, here's a pic I took for Jeff Bowers, who asked if I had local wood needing a 24" bar.

Stihl MS 390 3 800.jpg

I suspect next time I show up at the woodlot -- with a bowl in hand to give the owner -- I'll get more than this for my $20. ;)

And here's a pic of the saw buck I made based on Richard Stapley's design at http://www.laymar-crafts.co.uk/tip33.htm. At 24" x 16", mine's a bit taller than his version (less bending) and I can use it on its side for bigger pieces. Works like a champ. It's very stable, and can support a lot of weight. (I had about 5 of these blanks stacked on it while I was sealing them.) Still, it's light enough for me to easily move one-handed.

Saw Buck 1 800.jpg

I'm doing a show in Brentwood this April, and I sure better sell some stuff. I'm running out of room in the house for all the turned pieces, and the big ones are gonna take up even more room. :doh:
Nice pile of wood Vaughn. :thumb:
Do you have a lack of space for all your turnings?
I have several showrooms, my own house, the house of my neighbors, and my daughter's house.
Nice haul. Those will make some fine bowls. I'm not familiar with liquid amber. Does it go by other names also?

EDIT: Nebber mind. I just saw Kevin's explanation on another thread.
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Note to self: Stop being jealous of Vaughn's cool new lathe. Oh, and the great chainsaw. Oh, and all those blanks. Maybe they'll crack! :) Whoops, did I just say that? :rofl:

Vaughn, you suck! ;) My only consolation is that the house will smell of camphor for many, many weeks! ;)


Hey Vaughn, Good score! Yea, give that woodlot owner a nice bowl and I bet they will be setting the choice stuff aside for you from now on. BTW, I'm with Frank, whats liquid amber? Barry
I am with Barry on this one. I know you hate to give anything away, but sometimes a friend made is a friend for life...and it helps you 10 times over.

If you do go about making your new found lumber supplier a friend, I would try to educate him on different woods to look for. As one person put just a few weeks ago regarding Burl...."Surely you jest Travis?"

Well no. You could never sell those Burls or Crotch Wood to a sawmill and get it past the Grader so to me it was pretty much waste wood. He may think the same thing. If you can make it worth his time to set it aside, he probably will. At the same time, human nature is to generally help other people. If he is like 90% of us, by giving him a turning, he just might keep a better eye out for those special chunks for you.

He most likely has a wife too, and you know what they say. A happy wife makes for a happy life. In this case maybe for you and him. :D
Vaughn, nice wood gloat, quite a bargin for $20. You need to make that bowl for him and keep him buttered up for the next several hauls.
