Another Dyed Sycamore Hollow Form

Vaughn McMillan

Staff member
I finished this one up a few months ago, but kept forgetting to get pics of it when I had the photo tent set up. :doh: It's sycamore, 9 3/4" wide and 8" tall, dyed with sprayed TransTint in about three colors. The finish is sprayed waterbased lacquer (USL) and I left it unbuffed...kinda liked the satin finish.

I started this blank out thinking I'd core some bowls, so I had it mounted on a faceplate to start. Changed my mind after getting it round, but had to use a large opening to turn out the faceplate screw holes. The biggest disadvantage to doing hollow forms with an opening this big is that you can reach your hand inside, so you gotta sand it, too. I should've gone with a smaller foot, too.

HF057 - 01  800.jpg HF057 - 02  800.jpg HF057 - 03  800.jpg

Comments, opinions, critiques and suggestions are all welcome. :wave:
Vaughn I agree about the smaller foot. I really like the rim on it! The dye looks great too. Is the interior black or is that just a photo illusion?
Thanks guys. It's funny, because a number of comments here and elsewhere have mentioned liking the rim, and that was one part I wasn't sold on myself.

...Is the interior black or is that just a photo illusion?

It's natural sycamore color. I just used clear USL for an interior finish, so it's not even darkened as if I had used an oil finish. It sure does look black in the photos, though. It's a bit tricky spraying dye without getting any inside the vessel. To mask the hole from the inside of the piece, I stuffed it tightly with wadded newspaper, then slipped a piece of closed-cell foam under the rim to seal the hole.