Recent content by Jonathan Shively

  1. Jonathan Shively

    Friday / 26

    I will second Dave's "it's a great day to be alive". Was walking with a cane last week. Really been down and out with a second heat stroke/dehydration event compounded with COVID. CJ and Josh picked up the cattle in my stock trailer and took them to the fair. Lou and I have been homebound for...
  2. Jonathan Shively

    Friday 7/12 morning

    Jon and CJ are here. Working on woodworking projects and cattle. Stay safe and keep healthy.
  3. Jonathan Shively

    There's something Screwy going on around here

    Sharon, so glad to see a post from you. Have missed your humor and posts. Neat puzzle.
  4. Jonathan Shively

    Happy Birthday Vaughn McMillan!

    Happy Happy Birthday Vaughn!!!!!!!!!!!! It is my sincere wish you have many, many more of these!!!!!!
  5. Jonathan Shively

    Friday 7-5-24

    Got 54 bales rolled up finally. It did get rained on a few times, won't win any prizes but will be better than snowballs this winter for the steers. Have about 8 acres still not cut down. I am only good for a couple hours then I quit sweating and my arms turn cold. CJ got his wooden knife...
  6. Jonathan Shively

    Friday 6/28/24 another beautiful start

    Mini strokes really affect the area of the brain that is associated with demeanors. Mom in the hospital, at the nursing home and even when we brought her home with a 24 hour nurse, she was mean towards all of the health care workers. Now when I say mean, I am saying she was "MEAN". To the...
  7. Jonathan Shively

    A Week I Didn't Need!!!

    Very happy to hear the good news after the original problem. Heal Bill.
  8. Jonathan Shively

    Friday 6/28/24 another beautiful start

    Well I am back. At half speed. Got home from Florida but ended up with heat stroke. Audrey is finishing her first 4H fair tonight at the animal sale. Broke the hot spell by cutting some of the hay fields down. Been raining enough to not have a dry streak yet. Everyone have a safe week and...
  9. Jonathan Shively

    Friday 6/7/24

    Week did go by fast. Been busy. Be busier next week as CJ and I fly to Florida to gather mom's belongings and her handicap van from the Florida house and bring it all back to Indiana. Everyone stay safe and as healthy as you can this coming week.
  10. Jonathan Shively

    Car Ramps

    A pair of after market car ramps, set them in front of your truck's rear tires and drive up on them. That will put the trailer at a good angle and lessen the transition from trailer ramps to trailer. Edited to add: ALWAYS use parking brake when loading and unloading from a trailer.
  11. Jonathan Shively

    Happy Birthday Leo Voisine!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Leo!!!!!!!! It is my sincere wish there are many, many more in your future!!!!!!!
  12. Jonathan Shively

    Friday..May 31, 2024

    I have seen you tube videos of that machine! Will be anxiously waiting for your real life results! Take it easy my friend, mixing, pouring and finishing cement is 110% physical torture!!!
  13. Jonathan Shively

    Friday..May 31, 2024

    Mowed the yards yesterday, weedeated and then took mom out to eat. Today mowed the road sides. Working on a load of wood to split and trim a pony's hooves tomorrow or Sunday. Supposed to rain for the next four or five days. Will be working on the shop and in the shop as I have a student...
  14. Jonathan Shively

    Friday..May 31, 2024

    When you are renting that skid steer, look into renting the cement mixer that fits on it. It will save all of your backs.