My sister became a "coffee snob" years ago! Kinda like my oldest daughter calling herself a tequila snob!!

I tried going the route of grinding beans, etc., when I got up each morning like my sister does. My problem is when I get up in the morning I want COFFEE, not kitchen prep! I'll spend an hour or two prepping ingredients for a stew, banana nut bread, or exotic dip - that's after I've had my coffee. o_O
My wife uses the B&D drip machine for morning coffee. Sets it up the night before to start about 5:30am. Either Maxwell House or Folgers. Sometimes Chock full of nuts. Whatever is on sale at BJ's that month. What bothers me with the drip machine is it is never hot enough for me. I have to nuke my cup of coffee for 40 seconds before I add the milk. For the Keurig we have used most brands with pretty good results but the best one we use now is the brand my son brings to us. Try Black Rifle Coffee Company (made by veterans I believe). Strong dark taste but not bitter.
Personally I don't want to go through a whole process just for a cup of coffee. Just like my cocktail before supper, a couple of ice cubes and a healthy splash of scotch or bourbon. :ROFLMAO:
Our coffee maker is a Hamilton Beech dual carafe and k-cup.... I set it up the night before, set a timer for the carafe to brew and have coffee waiting when I get out of bed... I only do 2 cups in the morning anymore and LOML takes 2 cups... by then the carafe is about empty..... Step-son gets up and brews a K-cup... but he likes his coffee a lot weaker than I do. I do take creamer in my coffee... a sugar free french vanilla flavor.... not really a breakfast person so the coffee gets me through the morning and often the day til dinner.
What bothers me with the drip machine is it is never hot enough for me. I have to nuke my cup of coffee for 40 seconds before I add the milk.
Personally I don't want to go through a whole process just for a cup of coffee. Just like my cocktail before supper, a couple of ice cubes and a healthy splash of scotch or bourbon. :ROFLMAO:
Bob - not hot enough - lacking a little taste - and other things

I like doing stuff in the kitchen like cooking. I like the idea of experimenting with making coffee. Today I tried my first pour over. DEFINATELY hotter. I have a lot to learn about making coffee.

I think some day I may buy a nice electric coffee maker, but only after much more learning. For now, playing around with really inexpensive non-electric coffee makers. Kinda like learning how to use a cast iron frying pan and seasonint it to be truly non-stick.