Cubitron II and a ROS Pad

glenn bradley

There had been some discussion on 3M's Cubitron product. I had a lot of ROS work to do so I decided to try a sample pack. Reviewers recommended a sanding pad to aid in dust collection so I got a pack of those as well. Just takin' one for the team here.
I didn't try it without the pad. I can report that the dust collection (which was already very good on my ROS) is definitely better with the many-holed sanding disc and the many-holed pad. Stock removal was very good and very controllable. I am not one to use abrasives after they have started to decline so my reference is pretty good as to what "normal" Norton or Kilngspor abrasives work like. Final report is that the product works well with the additional pad and seems worth the money. If I had a very small shop and only so-so dust collection I would use these absolutely. I have a lot of stock abrasives to burn through before I "need" more but will definitely keep these in mind.
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