North West Indiana
As some of you know, it has been a dream to add a laser to my school shop to enhance the student's works. Well, got this email this morning!

Hi John,

Just wanted to let you know that your laser’s PO was just received by our office.

We will work on getting it processed and you should receive it either late next week or early the following week.

Thank you for your order, you will be very happy with this machine.


Rob Whooley
Educational Consultant
DEPCO Enterprises, LLC

Okay, he spelled my name wrong, I'll live with that for now! Let me tell you about the people I work for. My Superintendent has been instrumental in getting vocational and grant money for this project. Yesterday all the paperwork was in order to be sent to officially order the laser. Our Principal was away in a meeting. Our Treasurer (I found out this morning) will be gone today and Monday at meetings) so the Treasurer talked with the Super and they phoned the Principal and the paperwork unknown to me was sent in yesterday. Thus the above email was in my in box this morning. I am excited and a little nervous. Those with experience and knowledge of best price consumables your information will be greatly appreciated.

Let me tell you my path to getting an Epilog. I contact the Indiana Epilog salesman, he talks to me as he is driving and told me if I didn't have $10,000.00 he couldn't help me. At that time (two years ago) I had only $5,000.00. So, I start looking at the laser in Rockler's catalog. Knowing a small grant came in I started seriously looking at the purchase of the Rockler laser. That $4,995.00 laser with its needed fume collector, chiller and rotary attachment became a $9,400.00. machine without software! I then got on the Epilog web page, called the 1 800 number and talked with Bob. Bob says he can get me a laser for $7,800.00. The next step up is the Mini 18 for a grand total of $10,500.00 shipping, software and fume extractor. I make a presentation to my Super concerning the viability of the Epilog and still haven't heard back from Rockler about a live person I could talk to if their laser doesn't work upon arrival. Super goes away from the meeting knowing the lowest level laser will only engrave, the Mini 18 we can cut with it. She contacts me the next day and says enough funds are in for the Mini 18 if I want it. WHAT???? DO I WANT IT?????? of course!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry for hollering!!!)

Well that is the condensed version of this beginning. I don't think you can tell that I am a leeeeeeeeeetle bit excited. Thank you for letting me share my story.

Jon. (correct spelling)
Jon, that’s really great that you and your administrators work hard to enhance the learning opportunities of your students. I hope the students appreciate it as well.

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Great news. Wish I had known this was going to happen 6 months ago prior to selling my laser. I gave lotza material to the person who bought it.

How many watts?

Any of my files and any material info I have are available to you just ask.