For those that want to take a look at my food blog...

John Pollman

Rochester Hills, MI
Hi all!

I mentioned it in the first post I made in this forum, but I've got a food blog over on Facebook. I usually post recipes and pictures over there and it's pretty fun. A lot of other members of the group do too and it's a great place to look around if you like to cook. I'm not sure, but I think that we have to be friends on FB before I can add you. I tried adding someone once and it didn't work because they weren't in my friends list. Once I added them to my friends, it was no problem adding them to the group.

It's called "Let's Get Cookin'" and all you have to do is send me a FB friend request. I'll accept it and then add you to the group. I'm easy to find over there. I don't think that there are too many John Pollmans on FB. :)
Hey John, There's 3 different 'Lets get cookin' and at least 6 different John Pollman's over on FB.

If you could post your FB Url here, that would make it a lot easier!

Click on your name at the top of your face book page, to take you to your timeline, and it should be in the address bar at the top.

Mine is
Really like the look of that eggplant pizza John. We are about to have eggplants coming out of out ears.
with all due respect, If it isn't from one of the 5 boroughs of NY city, preferably Brooklyn, it isn't pizza.
Cheese, dough sauce, whatever, doesn't make it a pizza.

If it's not from Rome or anywhere else in's not pizza. If it's from Fresno and looks like my idea of pizza, smells like my idea of pizza and tastes good...I'll let it be pizza.
if you ever get time to travel to this side of the country, Ill pick you up at the airport and drive you directly over to a pizzeria that will change you mind about fresno pizza. My treat.
We would scare you if we all showed up at the same time!! I've seen Brent, Darren and Vaughn eat...NYC ain't that big!!