Frames - More from the Burn Bin

glenn bradley

Before the weather cools down enough to use the fire pit I tend to sort through the scraps. Some leftover cherry and some really sappy walnut scraps got cobbled together to try and make some picture frame stock.
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The nearly blond walnut gets a shot of cordovan dye which results in a sort of kona coffee color.
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Sometimes material is where you find it :D. LOML has a couple of pics she wants to hang in the guest room.
I use "turns" to hold in the art. I have use a small Forstner to recess the screw heads. This is just one solution to hardware scraping the walls. Felt dots are another.
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You can see the material is a combination of scraps.
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They will wait around on the guest bed for LOML to hang when she gets a notion.
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There are never any scraps. The smaller pieces just make smaller projects, I keep all those little pieces till I go mad and wonder what to make that can use them. I like to make crosses and give away to kids in church.