New 14x34 foot veterans center office. Now 36 foot

This update is late I should have put it up before I took time to go to Kaliforia but since I am back I'll do it now. We did all the rough wiring and installed the sub panels, the and all the boxes and pulled all the wire.
There are 7 outlet boxes in each office all on a 20 amp circuit. There is a separate 20 amp 220 V circuit for the AC units. each office ill have it own Mini Split. The lighting is a 15 amp from the 2 gang box one will feed the interior overhead lighting is 4 pull boxes mounted on the ceiling joists and the other the lighting for the porch. Both building are identical. The building on the left in the picture ( North Building) will have a 10-4 SO cord which will plug into a box on a pole with an RV type plug. The Sub panel on the North Building will have a 30 amp outlet which will feed the south Building via its own 10-4 SO cord. The small boxes are for the AC to connect to.

I meet with the AC contractor tomorrow to make sure he's happy then we will install the insulation and paneling. Hopefully this Saturday for the insulation. Just a note the total cost of the electrical items would have been arounf $1600 but the local Home Depot have given us a big discount so out costs are less than $1000. Friday we will pick up the insulation and paneling and see what we end up paying for it. Once the Paneling is up the AC can be installed and then we can do the rest of the interior work in comfort.
once again Home depot came through with a discount on material for the vet center VSO offices. Today we installed all the R-15 in the walls and started on the paneling, Had to quit around 0900 as the temps were already om the triple digit.
Just noticed that @ 1733 (5:30 PM for you civilians ) the Temperature is 112.
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Time to catch up, I've been busy but haven't posted much by way of Updates. The AC went in we have a mini spit on each office way over kill but this is Arizona and it does get warm here.


The Wheel Chair ramp is in, it can un assembled so it was a couple of hours to assemble so we are ADA compliant.

The drop Ceiling and lighting are in the south office. We will do the North Office this Saturday.


We'll will do any paint touch up then goes the laminate flooring and trim out the door and windows. The lighting is kinda neat. They are 24" square LED panels and have an expected life of something like 48 years and use less the $5 worth of electricity/year.