Ryan, The router table is very much faster - BUT.
When I was doing the outside perimeter on the router table I was at full depth and I pushed the door thru the cut a lot faster by hand.
On the CNC I was a LOT more conservative.
The difference is not to do with the machine but more to do with my head. I learned a lot from making the video. One thing is just how much I can cut on the CNC. If I never used a router table and fed a panel by hand, I may never know what is possible. SOOO - what then do I do next with this knowledge?
1) make my cuts deeper
2) cut faster
Then, I need to consider the toolpath. Raise the cutter move to start lower the cutter. No.
I don't need to raise the cutter then move to start.
I need to do a bunch of stuff before I do the next set of doors. BUT, THEN - that is what it's all about - learning and getting better.
Thank you for watching and for your comments.