Wolf Painting #3 Getting Wet

Outside the beltway
Got a little holiday painting done. Most of it before anyone got out of Bed Christmas morning and again after they all went to bed. It's very hard to find peace and quite during the holiday season.
Dave you should do this full time. Get a nice quiet studio and sit and paint.

Those eyes say it all for me. You sure got bringing out the character down pat. I feel as though i am across from the water looking him in the eye.

What can I say marvelous work there is a ton of talent i see in this picture. You gotta make some prints. Nice set of three. :D

You bring this wolf to life its got me thinking of that movie Dances with Wolves. Kinda getting to know this wolf through your painting. See a hint of a lonely wolf looking to play a little.

Hey but where is the Moose??? Still waiting for your interpretation of my favorite animal. :):thumb:
dave you need to spend more time on this kind of thing,, if you can sell this art you need to stay with it better for you than smelling lacquer every day..put jarrod in charge and get a helper and go PAINT

Needed some beauty today coming after the funeral of a man too young..
The last wolf you show us is always the best one yet...how does that work? This one just has that look of need and longing, looks like he is wondering is it safe?
Speechless and the painting is priceless. I agree with Larry.

One after thought, if i could do this i aint sure i could part with it for any amount of loot.

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