No Shortcut Leads Anywhere That I Want To Go

glenn bradley

This has been one of my shop mantra's (another favorite being "This Machine Has No Brain, Use Yours"). Despite that I have a disturbing and repeating habit of thinking that the effort of unwinding the vac host and slipping it on the jigsaw is less than the effort of cleaning up afterward. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! I post this in an attempt to embarrass myself into right-thinking. I take the fractional amount of time to save larger amounts of time for many operations in the shop. The failure to do this one is a recurring irrational behavior. :huh:

With the vac hooked up I get negligible spoil. It literally vanishes into the other negligible spoil that gets swept up every so often. Without, I get this:

Jigsaw DC (1).jpg . Jigsaw DC (2).jpg . Jigsaw DC (3).jpg

Seems like I would learn. Maybe sharing my errant behavior publicly will help.