
Outside the beltway
I haven't watched a game in 6-7 years. This year I've watched one RedSkin game and last night watched Sundays game Vikings vs Bill's.
V-B game was one of the most exciting games ever.
Anyone see it? One handed catch of the year. 5 second fumble in the end zone. Some crazy football !
I only watch NFL occasionally. I missed the Bills/Vikings game, but I see there's a 45 minute (or so) recap on YouTube. Sounds like I need to check it out.
I only recently started watching NFL again after many years of avoiding it. When it got so bad that it took over 4.5 hours to watch a game, I hung it up! Last season, there was a game I was interested to see and was amazed at the difference in the amount of ad interruption. Also, there has been no obvious political observation on the games I've watched.
I watched the video I mentioned above. It's the last two minutes of regulation and the overtime period. That in itself was a full game. Good stuff.
I like NFL football and college football.... sometimes I even stay awake and watch the whole game.

In 1992 Dianne's and my first date was to an Oilers game when they won a championship (she had complimentary tickets from one of her vendors....
on one play, Dianne got excited, grabbed my knee and the knee of the guy on other side of her - a stranger to her - surprised him so that he dropped his nuts (peanuts) into his beer.... 30 years later I still remind her of that ever so often. :D
I like NFL football and college football.... sometimes I even stay awake and watch the whole game.

In 1992 Dianne's and my first date was to an Oilers game when they won a championship (she had complimentary tickets from one of her vendors....
on one play, Dianne got excited, grabbed my knee and the knee of the guy on other side of her - a stranger to her - surprised him so that he dropped his nuts (peanuts) into his beer.... 30 years later I still remind her of that ever so often. :D
I can think of a whole bunch of witty comebacks to your post, but 99.9% of them would get me kicked off the forum, lol. :rofl: