Friday 8Sep23

Dave Hoskins

Parker County, Texas
They say that today is gonna be the hottest so far. Guess it's gonna start off the cooler temps that are supposed to be coming along with some badly needed rain. Today I will spend a little time during the morning setting up some stuff in the shop. Then I'm gonna get back inside before I roast. Did some of that Wednesday and paid for it all day yesterday. Not again. uhuh Plenty of various activities inside I can do. I think I hear Godzilla calling me.
Cooler here. Went and saw mom last night. She is walking unassisted a few times. Working on a 9N Ford I bought this summer, building a solid hitch for a log splitter contraption I bought off of FB. Going to a wedding and reception Saturday. Not going to see farming buddy or mom Sunday as we will have been around a large unknown group and don't want to accidentally carry something in. You all stay safe and healthy.
Got to rearrange tings in the spare rooms. My sons wife passed away unexpectedly last tuesday so He and my grand daughter are going to be staying with me for the foreseeable future. Without her income they wont be able to afford the house they are in. Thank God I have a big house. Sunday the usual Church followed by working Bingo. Monday I will be at the post doing my service officer and in the evening I have the monthly post meeting.
Don, condolences to your son and grand daughter, you as well.

We have our yearly wine festival tomorrow, usually go with my brother and SIL, so looking forward to the time with them. Other than that I need to do some mowing and start grading the shop floor to final height before spreading gravel for concrete. A neighbor gave me a number for his BIL, which does concrete on the side.
Don, condolences to your son and grand daughter, you as well.

We have our yearly wine festival tomorrow, usually go with my brother and SIL, so looking forward to the time with them. Other than that I need to do some mowing and start grading the shop floor to final height before spreading gravel for concrete. A neighbor gave me a number for his BIL, which does concrete on the side.
Are you recuperating from that loss last night?
The band has a double-header this weekend, so I'll be busy with that tonight and tomorrow night. I also had a Range Day scheduled for my shooting club but I cancelled it a few days ago because LOML and I have been sharing a bad summer cold all week. I'm still far from 100% but I think I can soldier through a couple of gigs. Aside from that, no other plans except for trying to get as much rest as possible.
Not much different over here - pretty much BAU except for three doctor visits this week! Tuesday was the doctor who did my aortic stent several years ago - all is well. Wednesday was a follow-up with my PC doctor. Friday was my annual visit to my cardiologist who changed the dosage on one of my BP meds - ECG was fine.

Of course, being Friday Bobbie and I made the drive to Boston for lunch, then back home for nap time.

Saturday's main attraction will be the UGA game party at the NDN - always a fun time!!!

Sunday will start, as usual, with me preparing brunch. After that, I'll just be lazy!!

During all of this, I'll be keeping up with the US Open tennis finals as well as NASCAR.