Friday May 17th of 2024!

North West Indiana
Didn't know if Dave's was the "official" Friday thread so went ahead and created this one! (I'm such a rebel!). This is the last weekend of the '23-'24 school year! Wow, it went fast. Dodging rain tomorrow I will be mowing and working in the woodshop. Sunday moving some horses from one pasture to another and locking them out of the back one. The old style bug light seems to be doing a good job. Have to blow off the remnants every three days or you can't even see the bulb. Some say it doesn't kill skeeters, well there is a difference on the other side of the house from that bug light so my claim is, it works. (y) (y) You all stay healthy as you can and be safe!
Tomorrow we are doing an event for the general public. I have arranged for the VA to come into the post and do a talk on how to help veterans who are at risk. This program is called S.A.V.E and is offered by the VA to any organization who wants to put on an event. The goal is to cut down on veterans suicide which is a crisis in this country that is not talked about enough. If you interested here is a link

after that the Legion riders have been invited to a cookout by a benefactor. Sunday the usual working Bingo.
Had plans to help my son in law assemble swing set in his yard for my grandkids and also a small playhouse tent I purchased for my grandson to park his ev firetruck

My daughter called us an hour ago she is on her way to doctor my boy had 103 fever
He has strep
Last week it was coxsackie virus
Not catching a break
So looks like a weekend of finishing up one last birdhouse in process and some sports on tv
I have to do big shop cleanup so prolly Sunday
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Heading north to my buddy Jeff's cabin Saturday morning for a quick overnighter. Maybe do a bit of exploring in the 4Runner, too. LOML and I could both use some mountain therapy. :thumb: Other than that, nothing's planned until Sunday afternoon/evening when I'll be catching up on the weekend's word of Formula 1 activity.
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We'll be doing mostly clean-up around here, finish picking up the area that the wood shed used to sit in and burn up some of the wood structure that is left. It was already falling down, so we helped it along. I'll stack the metal from it behind the barn. I also need to get back to drywall mudding on the guest house and try to finish it soon. Other than that, just picking up the shop and organizing more. I may try to install the mini-split in the shop office since we're heading into the mid 80's next week. I need to order another with a longer line set for my wife's office.
Had a good weekend in the hills at an elevation higher than my body really wanted to be at. (Seasonal allergies and asthma don't mix with thin air.) That's OK because this trip was mainly intended to be a quick getaway for LOML to help get her mind off losing her dog a couple of weeks ago. Here's the elevation at the cabin...
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There's still a bit of snow left on Santa Fe Baldy...
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Stopped for lunch on the way home where the Mora river flows into the Pecos river...
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(And she's gonna kill me when I show her the photo with her jacket buttoned crooked, lol.) Here's a better one of her in serious bird-watching mode...

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wow, new mexico has some beautiful looking landscape, mountains, snowcaps.

i discovered elevation sickness in blackhawk colorado. I didnt think 8500 feet would knock me out, yet, caused insomnia at night. tough 2 days, supposed to stay 3 but we both were suffering
I've spent a lot of time at this kind of elevation over the years, but this particular trip I just couldn't breathe worth a darn. Heck, in high school Jeff and I used to bushwhack uphill from this same cabin, over the mountain, and into the Mora Canyon below. With 40 pound backpacks.