happy halloween

allen levine

new york city burbs
ready for the kiddies to be knocking on the door today?

this year its water hand held ring toss games for everyone. got a steal on them from importer so I picked up a couple hundred

not sure how this year will go since weather is incredible today, upper 70s, never remember a halloween this warm.

everyone stay safe.
Well, if any of the little curtain climbers are coming to our house they'd better get here before about 6:15, since I have a band gig tonight and we won't be home, lol. Last year we only had one kid come by all night, so I'm not going too feel bad for not being home this year. Of course, LOML bought a ginormous bag of candy at Costco and then about a day later the band booked the Halloween gig. I guess I'm set for candy to snack on for the next 6 months or so. :D
I don't expect any kids till around 5-6 pm with the bulk of them coming after 7
There is no school tomorrow so it might be a later then normal trick treating like when it falls on weekend night
We don't expect more than 100 or 125 this year
I'd be surprised if we get less

This year as mentioned most will get one of these


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i got up from the jets game to go look outside and I turned all the outdoor decorations and lights on, as soon as I opened the door to take a peek outside, 2 bigger kids pulled up on bikes so I threw some bags of candy into their bags. elen made around 20 bags of assorted chocolates, the assortments from costco, only becasue sometimes at night the older siblings take the younger ones around for safety reasons and I know they dont want a toy, so I give them some chocolates. theres still some older kids out there, as expected, no school tomorrow, its a muslim or indian holiday, not sure of the name, but in school districts out here with a large muslim population they close the schools. but I wont sit there all night waiting on them. I give them up until eight pm, maybe nine pm on a weekend night.

my daughter sent us pictures of th ekids in their costumes, my grandson was sitting on his front deck with a bucket of candy but they only got 2 kids, and one of them was autisitic. he gave my grandson a few pokeman cards and my grandson was thrilled beyond belief.
I dont remember which one it was, but a while back it was either pokeman or yugioh cards were very big and very hard to find. I was doing some business with my attorney who knew I sold toys, and asked me if I could find him some, so he would be a hero to his two grandsons on xmas, I told him Id try. a week before xmas, I got lucky, found a wholesaler who had plenty of them, and I purchased a few cases and dropped off 2 cases at my attorneys office. I got preferential treatment until the day he retired after that.
They already did the trick or trunk event in the valley this year. Looks like a good time was had by all. We don't get trick or treaters out here, but if we do, I'll have to dig into Sharons secret candy stash, lol.
yeah, the trunk and treats are getting very big out here in the east also, as well as some areas are closing a few blocks in certain towns so kids could walk safely and anyone who wants to p;articipate can park their car also. I once tried to get the local school district to talk with the local authorities and designate certain times to trick or treat, like 4 pm thru 8 pm so the kids knew when someone would answer the doors, but there was too much red tape for that. simple things are way too hard for local officials to do.