New farm help

Well I used the "warming up" phrase lightly, if you consider him being 6 feet away and not hissing at them anymore. He has been taunting them, laying down like he wants to play, then swatting them when they get close enough. They are learning quick though who is in charge and come over to
Saw a sign on a car after some over lunch Walmart errands, decided we could use some extra hands to help out.
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The current farm hand wasn’t too receptive at first, but explained to him it was a promotion, he’s starting to warm up to them.
Very cute. I like cats.

Beware!!! My wife and son conspired to get some new barn cats almost 12 years ago. They were too “defenceless” to go to the barn right away. Two are full time house cats, the third moved to the shop last winter after developing some unsanitary behaviours in the house. We feed and encourage two feral cats who patrol the property.
Yeah, these two need a few more weeks before I can leave them out, a small hawk or owl will carry them off at this point if they are out in the open. They’ve been hanging out on the porch and in the bushes/plants around the house. They seem to understand the dangers already, their momma taught them well before she left.

We have to go to see the grandkids in a few weeks, I dare not take them, as I might not make it back home with them. ;)