No argument from me there. I love CNC dados and rabits. Agreeable - on a 2x3 machine - no you are not going to do that.
On a 2x3 machine - yes you could do these
I don't think you could do that with the Origin.
It's always a trade off somewhere.
With CNC, the beauty is in the versatility and possibilities.
Dado's - good dados - are not all that hard to do with non-CNC.
I made an adjustable dado jig that I made tons of dados with.
Now I do it on CNC, because I have a larger machine, but there is nothing wrong with the jig either.
I had a 2x2 machine that I made a 24 x 96 sign that I sold for a couple of thousand dollars.
I have no intention of dogging that really nice Origin machine.
I really do see the possibilities, but I also see the limitations.
It's a trade off, and I am just posting my ?humble? thoughts, nothing more than that.
I am quite active on the Vectric forum and I see hundreds of posters. There is a W I D E variety of people, male and female, as well as a very wide variety of machines and a wide variety of skill levels. A am around the middle to a little upper on the skills.
Some of the people buy CNC and cannot get off the ground. Some take to flying right away. Some stay on simple dimple things. Some get VERY creative.
It's all personal. There is no right, or wrong. There is only what suits you. Maybe you have no interest is growing or expanding, but sometimes the future desires are not really known to us.
I do hope you do not see my remarks as negative. It's not meant to be negative. I just want to express my thoughts.