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Ted Calver

Staff member
Yorktown, Virginia
I love playing in the dirt and usually have a much bigger garden than the two of us really need. This has been a cold and wet spring so some things, like these edible pod peas are doing quite well. It would fun to see what others are planting this season so I hope you will share how your garden is growing.

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must be cool to eat salads with what you've grown on your own land.

gotta have land to have a garden.

I planted a big pot with some flowers on the front stoop, does that count as gardening?
We've had such a long and still running monsoon here, the only thing I managed to get going is cantaloupes. Nothing special to show there right now. Wait until they really get to crawling all over the place. Then I will have to put up the electrified rabbit wire or I won't have any to eat.
Planted some tomatoe seeds about 6 weeks ago. After a couple of up-pottings, I started to put them on the deck during the day. Finally made a mini green house, 3' x 4'. Bought an automatic pneumatic window opener to keep from cooking the seedlings. I started doing a thread about the build but had problems.

Anyhow these will be expensive seedlings. I was beginning to wonder if the green house was worthwhile but then we had a hard frost this past Monday morning.

I did plant some peas and beans about 3 weeks ago. They have sprouted and were able to withstand the frost.

Checked for some chives today, but they haven't come up yet. Maybe there done for.
I just finished my planting this weekend by putting in okra and green beans. I have 4 types of tomatoes, 3 types peppers, beets,
kale, summer squash, zucchini, and cucumbers all ready in the ground.
I hate to say this, Terry. But I am jealous!!! I am normally eating my own tomatoes and peppers by this time of year and enjoying them immensely. With all the gully washers we have been having I just couldn't get everything done. Oh, well. Fall will be just around the corner and I'll get it done for then. Maybe. :dunno:
I only have 2 tomato plants this year. Usually have some peppers too. Had plans to make a raised bed garden and grow salad fixin's this year, but ran out of time. The summer to do list keeps growing so maybe I can get the raise bed made this fall so I'm ready for next summer.

Yours looks great Ted! :thumb:
I've planned to do one the last few years, even bought seeds, but have yet to get any in the ground. I really like they way you've done the trellises in yours, something to add to my idear list. :thumb:
I've planned to do one the last few years, even bought seeds, but have yet to get any in the ground. I really like they way you've done the trellises in yours, something to add to my idear list. :thumb:

I have borrowed a couple of ideas for trellises. Tractor supply has various kinds of stock panels in 6ga galvanized steel that last forever and are very versatile and easy to attach to T-posts.

The peas are growing on those @ one and a half panels high. The bean house (pole beans) is made up of four of the panels bent into a tunnel and joined with SS wire from HF.
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The other borrowed idea uses 10' lengths of 1/2" ($2.39) or 3/4"($6.66 at Lowe's) galvanized EMT to make a U shaped frame, with a couple of 90 degree elbows to join the top bar. I attach the same kind of 6" welded wire mesh used to make my tomato cages inside the frame with SS wire. Pound two 4' lengths of 1/2" rebar half way into the ground where you want the trellis and slip the open ends of the EMT over them and....voilà! portable and reusable ten foot trellis. Mine are going on 8 years without problems.
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Very cool Ted. This might get me moving on doing a little garden as I may just setup against one of our pool fence sections, will just have to figure out how to keep the wabbits out. :)
Haven't even cleaned out last years yet. Maybe by this weekend. My wife is the gardener but with her recent knee replacement looks like I'll take the brunt of the gardening this year black thumb and all :(

Thinking just tomatoes and maybe eggplant. The area is small. Only about 35' x 15'
Well not our veg garden as there is nothing to see yet....but i thought some might like the look of spring that popped up through our lawn.


These are for you Frank hope the recovery is going to plan. Thinking of you every day.
Nice looking flowers Rob. Most of our flowers are about done blooming and moving into summer here. I've got about 15 knock out rose bushes around the yard that are so full that they are drooping to the ground this year, it doesn't' help that I've let them get to about 6' tall though. :)